Mosquito Spraying 2024: Yankton County will be spraying the town for mosquitoes on Wednesday nights, weather permitting. If you have any questions, please contact a board member. Thank you!  

Newsletter #4

Construction Resumes


H&W Contracting has begun this year’s construction at the intersection of Iverson Street and Kingsbury Street where the new sanitary sewer lift station will be located. H&W plans to have the new lift station completed by the middle of May. This intersection is currently closed to traffic and will remain closed until the sanitary sewer main is installed on Kingsbury Street. H&W will be closing additional intersections as they move north on Kingsbury Street.


Within the next week, the Contractor plans to install dewatering wells along Kingsbury Street to prepare to install the sanitary sewer main in these areas. Around the middle of May, H&W is expected to begin the installation of sanitary sewer main beginning with the boring of sanitary sewer under the railroad.


Some frequent questions on the impacts from construction to the property owners include garbage pickup and driveway access. H&W will maintain access for garbage pickup throughout the construction process. DGR and the Town will help coordinate as necessary. Driveway access may be temporarily impacted during the day but is expected to be reestablished by the end of each working day. Please reach out to DGR or the Town of Gayville if you have questions or concerns.

QUESTIONS regarding the proposed construction can be addressed to Lance Nolz, DGR Engineering, at 605-999-6515 or by email at [email protected]